Time to do a post of a different flavor, a nerdy one. Let's list out some of the most hyped games coming out this year so people know what to expect and pre-order. I've personally played a couple of these too.
Titanfall (Xbox/PC 3/11/2014)

I've already pre-ordered this game on PC. I decided to play it on PC as I do not wish to purchase an xbox one or PS4 and the graphics will be better. Also the gameplay should be much smoother with a mouse and keyboard. I got a chance to play the Xbox version of this game at Pax Prime and it didn't disappoint. It's a cross between Call of Duty and Mech Warrior with some crazy jumping and building climbing thrown in as well. I like the FPS aspect of the game. The double jump and building climbing make it a more 3 dimensional fight, something Call of Duty lacks. However, the mechs are fairly OP. It'll be nice if they enable an "infantry only" mode in the game so that people can enjoy the FPS more so than the vehicles.
Elder Scrolls Online (PS4/Xbox/PC/MAC 4/4/2014)

I also got this game on pre-order as I'm a fan of a lot of RPG's. I've sunk a ton of hours into Guild Wars 2 and dabbled with The Old Republic. I saw this game at Pax Prime as well and I can only describe it as an Elder Scrolls game that you can play with your friends, which is what everyone's always wanted. I personally hate gaming solo but gaming with friends is fun. You can party up and explore the world and quest together. There are also dungeons and a massive PVP area.
The Division (PS4/Xbox/PC End of 2014)

I have yet to see or play this game but the reviews and gameplay trailers look very nice. If I can talk some friends into buying it with me later this year then I'd love to give it a try. It seems like a 3rd person survival game in post apocalyptic America.
Destiny (PS4/Xbox 9/9/2014)

As a Halo fanboy I was really excited for Bungie's next project after 343 took over and practically ruined Halo by making it too much like CoD. Once I heard Bungie was making an RPG FPS type game I got really excited because I love both genres and have always wanted a great game that would mix the two styles. Unfortunately Bungie has disappointed me as I do not wish to buy an Xbox One or PS4 and they do not plan to release the game on PC. I believe their "always on" game is meant for PC, but alas they just won't listen. I don't see this game doing well long term as it probably can't compete with the console gamers who prefer CoD and Halo, among other things.

WildStar (PC Mid 2014)
I saw this game played at Pax Prime as well and I wasn't a fan. It's very cartoony and less serious than most video games. It reminded me of an MMO with sonic the hedgehog because the graphics are that cartoony. However, people are raving about this game so I expect it to sell quite a bit. I'd personally rather play ESO and possibly more GW2 if they ever decide to put out an expansion.
Thief (PS4/Xbox/PC 2/25/2014)

I have yet to see anything on this game other than advertisements but I will say that I was addicted to the older school Thief game on PC as a kid. I memorized the maps and the patrols of the guards. I knew where to hide in the shadows, when to run, and when to fight. The game will be a lot like sneaking around in any Elder Scrolls game though so I could see this getting boring fast.
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